Monthly Archives: September 2013

Lifetime Fitness Takes Quality Exercise Equipment

With such an emphasis upon lifetime fitness, it seems like every time you turn on the TV these days there’s another commercial for exercise equipment. The latest and greatest treadmill or the second to none all-in-one machine are advertised on a daily basis.

And why not?

Consumers love the concept of lifetime fitness. We’re always looking for ways to shape up faster and without as much work. That’s just what this equipment claims to do. Work out for just 20 minutes a day, three days a week and you’ll have the body of a supermodel in a month. If only that were true, we’d all clamber aboard the bandwagon of lifetime fitness. We wouldn’t have to put ourselves through the pain of the gym everyday.

If you are looking for some quality exercise equipment that’ll really help you achieve lifetime fitness, then know that it is available – but you’ll have to put in some effort. You must do some research and talk to enough qualified people to learn what equipment will be best for your lifetime fitness work out routine.

A treadmill works for a lot of people who like to work out in the privacy of their own home. And there are a lot of benefits that can be gleaned from running on a treadmill everyday. This type of aerobic exercise is good for your heart and your lungs, taking you a little bit closer to lifetime fitness. Just be sure to keep tabs on your heart rate so you don’t over do it and put your heart in danger.

A general rule of thumb for running is that you should be able to talk semi-comfortably while you’re exercising on your quest for lifetime fitness. If you can talk without any trouble at all, you’re probably not running hard enough or fast enough. If you can’t talk because you’re busy huffing and puffing, you’re probably pushing yourself too hard. Slow down a bit and take it one step at a time.

There are several other types of exercise equipment available for lifetime fitness that can prove beneficial to your health as well. A popular piece of equipment is the exercise ball and ellipticals. They come in different sizes, so it’s important to determine which one will work for the goals you have in mind. There are many muscles that you can work using the ball. And the balls usually come with a set of instructions that tell you how to use it for different muscle groups. It’s also a great way to stretch your muscles, which is an important factor in every lifetime fitness work out.

Some people prefer yoga or pilates as their main workout. Each of these activities has their own set of exercise equipment as well. Along with the exercise ball, it’s important to invest in a mat. Not only will it give you the comfort you’re seeking when lying on the floor, but it’ll help keep you from getting dirty as well.  Enjoy lifetime fitness – it’s not a pipe dream any longer!