Monthly Archives: August 2013

Get a Fitness Magazine & Compare Treadmills Before You Buy

It’s definitely worth getting a fitness magazine to compare treadmills and their features before making a decision. The number of features plus the fact that the prices of treadmills can range from about $500 all the way to $10,000 means that your modest investment in an annual subscription of a fitness magazine will pay off richly.

Some lower priced treadmills can actually have a better rating on professional fitness magazine reviews than some that cost thousands of dollars more. There are many things to consider before you buy any treadmill.

Set Your Budget

Determine how much you are willing to spend before you go shopping.  The cost of a treadmill can vary greatly. This is truly a case of getting what you pay for. You’ll find this true with any fitness magazine treadmill reviews you can find.

Cheaper treadmills simply aren’t built to last.  On the other hand you don’t have to rush out and get the most expensive treadmills. After all, in a lot of cases you’re only paying for the fancy add-ons and other gadgets.

Shop Around

Don’t go to the first store you see and buy right away. Compare treadmills at all of your local treadmill stores after locating them using a fitness magazine.  Possibly the most overlooked place to purchase a treadmill is online. Online exercise equipment stores offer many more advantages over regular stores. Check as many of them out as well, you’ll find ads running on fitness magazines regularly.  When searching online try to locate some good exercise equipment reviews from fitness magazine websites that will help you narrow down your search.

Know Your Purpose

What will you use your treadmill for? Before making any comparisons you need to determine exactly what you will use it for.

  • Will you be doing a casual walk now and then?
  • Will you use it for a light jog each day?
  • Or will you use it for intense running?

The more intensely you intend to use it, the more money you will have to pay. Most treadmills under $2000 cannot handle daily wear and tear without breaking down.  Find good choices advertised in a fitness magazine.

Where Will You Keep It?

How much space do you have set aside in your home for your treadmill?  This is one area that a lot of consumers overlook. Just where will you put that treadmill once you get it? Also, you will have to leave approximately 2 extra feet of space on all sides of it.

If you are using your treadmill to run on or are a tall person, you will need a treadmill with a longer belt (the surface you run on). Running requires a longer stride so keep this in mind.

Test Before Buying

Regardless of a treadmill’s rating in a fitness magazine, test it for yourself. Even if one model gets good treadmill reviews online, you still have to test it if at all possible.  Most treadmills sold online or from ads in a fitness magazine will also be sold at exercise equipment stores. You have to determine if it will work for your unique situation regardless of what the online treadmill reviews say.

Evaluate Performance

When you test out any treadmill make sure you take note of how smooth it runs and how quiet it is. Treadmills with cheaper parts (but a high price tag) tend to make a lot of noise and vibrate somewhat.  Most user experiences and reviews published in a fitness magazine will spotlight these major flaws.  But there may be other which are overlooked without a personal assessment.

Check On The Warranty

Check out the warranty in great detail. All manufacturers are different when it comes to guaranteeing the motor, the belt (the belt you run on), the frame and various options.  A lot of the cheaper treadmills only offer a year or less on the belt. If the belt breaks after that, you can expect to pay an additional $500 or much more for a replacement.

Safety Features

What safety features should you look for? Probably the biggest one is an emergency stop button. This is very helpful in case you slip and fall off the treadmill. You also have to determine if it will support your body weight.  Look at articles in a fitness magazine that highlight these points.

Some treadmills don’t support as much as you think. The last thing you want to have happen is for the treadmill frame to break when you have it on an incline or are running. You could get seriously injured.

Maximum Performance

What top speed will you need? Most treadmills have different sized motors and therefore will run at different speeds. Make sure it can handle the speed you want to run at.  Consult experts who often write for a fitness magazine.

So there are just a few points to keep in mind when buying a treadmill with the help of information in a fitness magazine. It is a big financial decision, so do your homework ahead of time. Read as many treadmill reviews or treadmill ratings as you can find before making a purchase.