Replacing Roof Shingles – When It’s Time To Go For A New Roof

Replacing roof shingles becomes a must if your roof is 20 years or older. 20 year shingles were the norm for a long time and most homes were installed with those shingles. Today you get longer lasting shingles and other roofing options like metal and slate which guarantee 50 years or more for their roof.

Today, the standard in asphalt roofing shingles is 30 years. Most homeowners have to deal with the problem of replacing roof shingles at some point in their lives. Unless you bought a home whose roof was recently replaced or it comes with metal or slate roofing which several decades, it becomes imperative at some point to go for roof replacement.

Sometimes, homeowners are faced with task of replacing roof shingles even though the roof was recently installed. Due to a variety of reasons the roof gets damaged and needs to be replaced. This is a very expensive and time-intensive effort which can’t be put off for long.

Let’s explore the causes for roof damage. In the northern parts of the country it is snowstorms and blizzards, strong icy winds, which rip the roofs away. In the south it’s ice storms and hail. The falling debris can damage the shingles, also this clogs the gutters and rips the shingles off their edges of the roofs. Gutters needs to be kept clean to prevent such problems. This can part of your yearly or half-yearly maintenance of your roof. Remove an soil, leaves, branches and other debris from the roof.

If you find any loose shingles, nail them back. Removed curled, damaged or broken shingles and replace them immediately. Loose vents and shingles act as the catalyst for bigger damage, because they provide sort of leverage for the wind to tug and remove other shingles in the line or surroundings. These leaves part of the roof exposed and letting water, snow or ice a free passage to the deck and the house beneath it. Such small problems need to be fixed immediately because the water damage can ruin your paint job, electrical work, cause the wood to rot and decay and lot more problems than you bargained for. Mold ad fungus can take root and find their way into the house. It is important to make proper inspection of the roofs after rainstorms and windy days. If you see any shingles or metal pieces from your roof on the ground then you know some damage has happened and needs to be looked into. Do this only after the water has completely dried up and there is no danger of you slipping and falling during the inspection.

Replacing roof shingles can be done in two ways. Either you can rip up the old shingles completely, dispose them off and replace with brand new shingles – either 30-year or 40-year shingles depending on your budget or go for second layer of shingles over the old layer. The first option is more expensive as the removal and disposal of old shingles cost money which your contractor will add to your roofing cost. In the second method the roof is prepared, old worn-out, warped, curled and misshapen shingles are removed and surface is made as even as possible. Only, then is the second layer of shingles is installed. This saves money as you don’t have to pay for removing and hauling away of the old debris.

The first methods gives better results and the second method is gaining popularity too. But, if the surface is not prepared according to the guidelines then there is the danger of the shingles failing before their promised life-span.


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