How To Pick a Roof Contractor

Choosing a roof contractor who knows his or her job, will be professional and deliver quality and value is not easy when you go by an advertisement in the local newspaper or a free ad listing in the yellow pages. After all, who in their senses would believe all that’s in a paid ad? What we would love to have is proof that the roof contractor is good, and references from people we know or trust to vouch for the contractor’s credentials. There are many roof contractors to choose from in any area, and that’s hardly surprising considering how many buildings need roof repairs and replacement.

What should you look for in a roof contractor? First, verify and don’t blindly trust. Check claims made by any roof contractor using all means available to you. Get references of work done for prior clients, and then contact them for feedback. Don’t just accept the company’s general reference, but enquire about the specific roof contractor who was involved in the project. A larger company might employ many different contractors and the one who works on your home is the one whose track record matters to you.

Check that the roof contractor has an office that’s permanent, with a phone number, fax and other fixed assets indicating they are not a fly-by-night outfit. This will become important in case you have to contact them later on about problems with the installation. A startup roof contractor might close shop after fitting a few roofs and making a quick profit, and if there’s a problem with the job, you’ll be left holding the bag.

Your roof contractor must have insurance. Check the insurance papers for workers who will be involved in your project as well as the contractor’s own papers. The insurance should be comprehensive and cover all liabilities and compensations involving all workers. It could get expensive if you were liable in case of accidents at your work site.

Worker safety is an important industry norm. If your roof contractor does not have the necessary safety training, you’d be taking a big risk. Check to see if the other workers have been trained as well. Some States have regulations that mandate this by law and instruct licencing boards to check their members are bonded. You can ask your state board for these details or even check their website for the information. This is intended to protect you, so even if you’re in a hurry, be sure to check this out.

For more information about hiring a roof contractor, be sure to read this full report.


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