Roof Repairs Cost – Hiring the Best Roofing Contractor

What is true when considering roof repair cost? Should you hire one roof repair company over another simply because the cost is less? Is it better to get estimates from 2 or three or ten contractors? How do you know who to trust. Big companies or smaller local companies? And most important, do you need a roof repair or will the damage cost much more than a fast in-and-out repair and lead to major renovations?

Unfortunately most home owners opt for the lowest price. Does this work? Yes, sometimes. You can receive some excellent service from small local roofing businesses. You can also receive excellent service from some of the big hitters, you know – the roofing companies that have been around for 80 years or more.

But true cost is not about age or size – it is about quality service, dedication, proven track record, excellent referrals (word of mouth goes a very long way), and finally the ability of the roof repair company to understand WHY your roof needs a repair in the first place!

Getting confused yet?

Roof repair cost is also another consideration. You may get 5 different repair cost prices. One for $500, another for$1200, and another for $3200. Now what? As earlier mentioned, most of us go for the lowest price.


Let’s see this scenario from YOUR point of view, or possible point of view: You notice some water stains on your bedroom ceiling. Great. A leak! That’s all you need, right? So you go through the tedious task of going online (or perhaps you are one of the few remaining people still using that big, heavy, yellow book) and you make some phone calls and try your best to get someone to your house to tell you why you have stains on your bedroom ceiling.

Fine. You did your job as a home owner with a roof leak. Congratulate yourself.

But it ain’t over until the fat lady sings… you want 100% trustworthy service, no-nonsense, and you truly WANT to be able to trust the roof repair company you hire. Oh, pardon me – at a competitive price, to boot!

Fantastic! You are well on your way!

One thing though… most roofing companies do not have the time to travel to your house (often across the entire city), pay for the gas, the one or two guys sitting in the work truck driving to your house, the time to speak with you, to look in your bedroom, to check your roof, to check your attic, to check all the possible areas of your roof that MAY have caused the leak that stains your bedroom ceiling, AND to write up a report about all this FOR FREE!!!!!

Bottom line – if you really want to get excellent service, top-notch roof repair, fast and reliable service, you need to pay for it. If a roof repair business charges money to inspect problems on your roof so you can have your roof repair handled right, pay the cost of the initial visit to your home.

Think of it this way: A lessor roof repair company will not have the confidence to charge an upfront cost to visit your home because they do not value their time enough. And you will pay the cost anyway, one way or the other. Guaranteed. Be smart and don’t short-change yourself. Pay for quality.

Richard Woolsey is a Roof Repair Toronto Contractor with 25 years in the Business of Helping Roofing Contractors. He is also the owner of Roof Insulation Protection.

By Richard Woolsey

Article Source:—How-to-Hire-the-Right-Roofing-Contractor&id=4732535


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