Garden Lighting Prices – How To Avoid Getting Ripped Off

Garden lighting prices can run the gamut of ridiculously expensive to dirt cheap – and a lot depends upon the kind of garden lighting that you plan to have installed and whether you are going to hire a contractor or do it yourself.

Any garden lighting review will focus on the components of the manufacturer’s product that you choose, and ignore the costs of installation. While getting a company to install them for you is a good idea when you have the budget, keep in mind that garden lighting prices in this case can run to between $2,000 and $3,000 if not higher.

On the other hand, you can buy garden lighting kits and do-it-yourself. This will save money, as the typical kit costs between $60 and $300, but be prepared to put in some effort and face some frustrating moments getting everything set up and running. Eglo garden lighting can look nice when it’s all ready, but reaching that point can sometimes be quite an experience!

You’ll need a garden lighting post and light fittings to hang the bulbs on. A transformer that provides power for your outdoor garden lighting is typically a 12 volts device which is adequately water proofed against rain or sprinklers. Be sure to locate it in a place that’s somewhat protected from the elements, and run wires out to the lights.

Most garden lighting comes with switching devices that are either timer controlled or light based. If you pick one up from the garden lighting store, light bulbs can be incandescent low wattage globes or halogen bulbs. The latter last longer and are brighter too. You can choose between spotlight focus to direct attention to a clump of plants, or a more diffuse tier lights setting to illuminate garden paths.

Hozelock garden lighting is a popular brand, as are Arlec, Ring Grip, Landia and HPM. All have do it yourself garden lighting kits, and the prices are more or less similar. Garden lighting prices differ only slightly based on whether the posts are of plastic or rust-free metal with powder finishing, and the cost of cables that come along with the kit. What’s more important than garden lighting prices is the hassle and effort it costs you to install them!

The ready made kits garden lighting prices range from $69.95 for a 6 piece tier and floodlight pack from Landia to $94.95 for an Arlec 6 piece tier lighting package. HPM sells only components for garden lighting and home lighting which you then must assemble on your own.

Running costs of the installation also will impact your decision on garden lighting prices. Typically the power consumption is low and the expense for that will be between $12 and $20 annually. Replacement bulbs are also inexpensive, ranging in price under $5 for a batch of four.

Assembling a garden lighting set isn’t very difficult, though some manufacturer’s products require a little more effort than the others. HPMs kits are the easiest to assemble according to many accounts. So garden lighting prices, though important, aren’t always the single factor that drives you to choose one brand over another.

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