Home Solar Shingles – An Attractive Way To Generate Clean Solar Power

Home Solar Shingles Is An Investment

Installing home solar shingles on roofs instantly increase its investment value. Today’s solar panels are designed to merge with your roofing and are hardly distinguishable as solar panels. They can be mounted on the roofing with no need for additional mounting or supports. These photovoltaic shingles act like normal roofing shingles which protect the home while also generating clean energy for residential or industrial use. This type of roofing is rapidly gaining acceptance because of it’s many advantages.

When solar power generation was in early stages the only option was to mount huge solar panels in frames on the top of roof to generate enough power to light up a few bulbs. Today, the technology has advanced to such an extent that just a few residential solar shingles are enough to power those very same bulbs. The solar panel shingles are aesthetically designed to merge with the roofing shingles and offers complete freedom to design your home roofing the way you want.

There is no fear that solar shingles will fly away in heavy winds. To install solar shingles just nail them down on the fly resistant roofing under layment. Apart from that a special glue keeps the home solar shingles in place. Also, these shingles are wind and water proof just like other roofing shingles and you can use them without fear of any leaks. They usually come with suitable warranties and like all solar technologies last for more than 20 years. These shingles are light weight and easily transportable.

These solar shingles can be used even on an old house. They come in a variety of attractive styles and can match with the surrounding roofing. It generates electricity to help heat your water, to power your lights and much more. How much electricity is generated depends upon the size of your home solar shingles. The power generated is pollution free and lowers your electricity bill. Also, you have the satisfaction of having contributed to cleaner environment.

A Tip: Buy Home Solar Shingles At Discounted Price

Solar technology is constantly improving as developed countries focus more on building alternative energy. As a result, wholesale companies will often sell solar shingles for lower prices to make room for newer models. This allows you to get great deals on the existing and previous models when compared to buying latest designs in solar shingles. This can translate to huge cash savings for you. Many state offers rebates for installing these home solar shingles.

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