Valances For Windows – Designs Ideas To Add Drama To Drapes And Curtains

They are plenty of designs as far as valances for windows go. You can choose any design from the vast range available for your home. Valances add drama to plain curtains and blinds. They add that touch of dramatic flourish that makes your window treatment pop out and makes them get noticed. There are innumerable creative concepts for valances. A visit to any website selling valances will give you an idea about the incredible range in the designs, patterns, colors and materials used for valances so you can pick one and dress up your blinds or drapes at home.

Valances were introduced to hide the inelegant opening and closing mechanisms of draperies that existed in those days. Today advancements have made even the curtain rods elegant. There is no need to hide anything but valances have continued to flourish as they complete the look of a window dressing or take it one step higher.

These valances embellish your window treatments. Sumptuous velvets, delicate silks and satins in rich colors draped over the curtains make a style statement that is unique. The valances are available in different styles like scarf valances, layered valances or frilly valances. These are just a few of the thousands of valance types available in the market today.

What you choose depends on your likes, dislikes and needs of your home decor. You can contrast light colored window curtains with dark colored valances in rich fabrics, choose light colored delicate valances for rich curtain fabrics, pick pastel shades for floral shades, pick patterned valances for plain colored shades. Large windows like bay windows, huge room length windows, French window will look drab and dull with just the curtains or shades as window treatment. Adding valances will dramatically alter the look of the windows and the window treatment. You can choose from modern abstract designs to more traditional classical designs in valances. You can pull the various design elements of room by matching the valance your curtains with the bedspread of a bedroom or the cushions in the sitting room.

You can pick two or three types of valances that match your curtains and room decor. By just changing the valances you can alter the look of your window dressing. Valances add something fresh to the design element of the room. Pick a heavier, dressy variety for special occasions and a lighter, casual one for regular use.

Not just fabrics you can also use wood valances for your curtains. Cornices, crowns, engraved, carved, lattice work are just a few of the many types of wood valances available to fit any standard sized windows. If you have non-standard sized windows then you need have the valances custom made.

Your valances are not just a decorative element for your window treatment. They can also be used to hide imperfections in the window frames or hide the hooks and other loops that are used to hang the curtains. Valances can also be useful to cut the glare from the sun and provide shade to your room. Valances for windows are useful in a number of ways to enhance the look and feel of your room.

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