Tin Roofing Prices – Cost Of Installing A Tin Roof

Tin roofing prices are some of most affordable when it comes to different roofing option available to homeowners. Most people are looking for a roof that is sturdy, tough and can last long. Roofing being such a big drain on finances people do not want to replace three or four roofs in their life time. They want something that will last a long time and be trouble-free for the most part and is also affordable. That is the reason why tin roofs are popular. They meet the criteria of being both cost-effective and also strong and durable.

Tin roofs come in a variety of forms including as shingles, long sheets and corrugated sheets. The standing seam tin roof is another form that has to be installed length wise. Depending on your home needs you choose any of the above types of metal roof for you home. The cost differential is not much among the different varieties of tin roofs. Tin roofing prices remain more or less same across shingles and sheets.

Let’s take a typcial family home in the United States and assess the tin roofing prices for such a home, so that comparison can easily be against other roofing options. An average size of home in the US is roughly 24 feet by 45 feet and is usually double-storied. The home will have around 1500 square feet of roofing area which is number of most concern to us. As this number will be used to measure the cost of tin roofing the home. The average home has a moderate pitch of 6 in 12 which means that the roof will rise 6 inches for every 12 inches length. Also, most roofs are moderately complex with not many valleys and features to clutter up the roofing space. These complexities in fact will increase the cost of roofing the home. Tin roofing might seem like a simple DIY project but it might be better to let a professional handle the roofing. So, you need the cost of labor to your roofing cost.

Apart from materials cost, the next major component of tin roofing prices is the cost of labor. A contractor will charge around $6000 dollars for an average sized described above. The cost will include the application of new plywood sheathing and application of the tin roofing. If you old layer of shingles that need removal then, you have to add a little extra to labor cost. This works out to $3 per square foot. The averge cost of materials works out to around $4 per square foot. Now, all these costs are very much dependant on the area you live in and the materials selected. Prices in urban areas are generally more than in rural areas. Again, if the source of materials is not local then you have figure in some transportation cost to your tin roofing prices. In fact the prices can range from $3 to $15 for a tin roofing.

The cost of entire roofing project on average will be around $10,000 dollars.

It is also important to discuss cost of insulation when talking about tin roofing prices. Tin roofing needs insulation and hence adequate costs needs to be set aside for this purpose. Tin can be a noisy roof. Insulation can help deaden this sound and make it more muted. Contractors will generally discuss this issue prior to roofing installation. There are some makes of tin roofing which come with pre-installed insulation that helps in sound proofing the home. The insulation is molded between two layers of tin roof.

Most people still have a very romantic view of tin roofs being suitable for rustic setting on barn and sheds for animals. They think of those old rusting roofs that shines brightly as you drive along farmlands. Modern tin roofing is completely different kettle of fish. These roofs in fact are an affordable alternative to other metal roof alternatives. Tin roofing prices are several times cheaper than say copper or aluminum but gives you the same benefit as metal roofs with long life and low maintenance.


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