Sheet Metal Roofing Prices – A Look At Roofing With Sheet Metal And The Prices Involved

Sheet metal roofing prices are typically marked per square. Square is a roofing term that means one hundred square feet. Sheet metal roofing starts its life as flat sheets of metal which are then formed into the required panels and components by manufacturers of roofing products. They also apply desired finish to the metal sheets.

This process is either done at the site of roofing or at the factory and sold as finished products. In the first case there is huge variation in quality of the finished product. Also, the number of possible finishes is also severely restricted. For this kind of product very limited warranties are provided. The reliability of the product is also lower as it is not backed by manufacturers name.

On the other hand when the sheet metal is sold as pre-formed panels of standard gauge (26mm) it is uniform in its quality and finish. The product weighs about a pound per square foot. The number of finishes are more. A variety of materials are used so, the consumer has a choice of using aluminum, copper, alloys of zinc and stainless steel. The panel sizes are generally huge and hence when you have large areas to cover this is an ideal roofing product. Sheet metal roofing prices vary based on the material, type of finish and other factors.

When it comes to sheet metal roofing, there are two types of joining that are used called standing seam and batten roofing. In the first  system the product as self-sealing raised seams. In batten roofing there is wide cover cap to join the seams. The manufacturers also supply parts for ridges, valleys, hips, edges and other connections. Buying these matching products as a package will give your home a finished and professional look.

You will find sheet metal roofing prices ranging from $1.50 to $6 per square foot. These prices include the cost of sheet metal panels, the clips used in fastening, caps over the seams where the metal join, trims and flashing. When getting quotes from suppliers make sure that they are including all these parts when mentioning the price.

Getting bids from manufacturer is just a phone call away. Make the calls and they will put in touch with local dealers and contractors trained to install their roofs. You will get different quotes on sheet metal roofing prices and you can make a decision based on your roofing needs and your budget. Also, ask them if transport and labor is included in the price. Sheet metal roofing transportation from distant places can set you back by huge amounts. So, if possible an order from a manufacturer who produces these products in location closest to your home.

In sheet metal roofing prices location plays a significant role in pricing as transporting these sheets over long distances costs a ton of money. So, get bids before hand and ask for freight charges to be included in the bid to make your assessment about costs based on the overall price. Some popular brands of sheet metal roofing include Microzinc roofing system, Follansbee Steel and Berridge. The prices for sheet metal roofing for Microzinc ranges from $4 to $6 per square foot. Follansbee offers standing seam metal sheets for $3 per square foot. This does not include installation charges.


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