Using a Roof Replacement Cost Calculator To Determine The Cost Of Roof Repairs

A roof replacement cost calculator is useful to have handy while computing the expense of roof replacement. It can be a helpful tool while calculating roofing costs of a variety of options, be it materials or style of roofing or any other factors.

The area of your roof needs to be measured with a certain degree of accuracy in order to calculate the cost as accurately as possible. There are some helpful points which need to be kept in mind while measuring.

To get the area of roof right, you need to know the pitch or slope. Roofs are low, medium or high pitch. The pitch of the roof determines its slope. Low and medium pitch roofs are easy to walk on, while the steeper slopes are very difficult to walk on and need support. They are dangerous to work on without safety equipment. A roof replacement cost calculator will help estimate the cost of working on low, medium and steep slopes at the selection of a box.

The pitch of a roof is determined by how much the roof rises for every unit of length you walk towards the ridge or highest point of the roof. The total length that runs from outside edge of the perimeter stud wall to center of the house divided by the height as measured from the top of the stud wall to the peak of the roof gives the pitch of the roof. A pitch of 6 in 12 is considered moderate pitch. That means for every 12 inches length the the rise is 6 inches. A 12 in 12 pitch is very steep with a 45 degree angle roof. You need enter the pitch value in your roof replacement cost calculator to arrive the right numbers.

Pitches 2 in 12, 3 in 12 or 4 in 12 are considered low pitch roofs. 5 in 12, 6 in 12 are considered medium pitch, 10 in 12, 11 in 12 and 12 in 12 are examples of steep pitched roofs. The steeper the pitch the more difficult it is to walk on it. Based on the pitch there are certain factors that need to be multiplied with the area of the length and breadth of your floor area taking into consideration any overhangs. These factors are integrated into the roof replacement cost calculator and all you need to do enter the dimensions as close to the actual size as possible to get a rough estimate of the roofing cost.

When it’s time to go for a new roof, most homeowners pick up their yellow pages or go online in search of competent roofing contractors. At the back of their mind they are worried if the contractor they picked is giving them a fair bid or is he overcharging by a huge margin. A fair margin as profit and overheads is acceptable but going into greed territory is not. A roof replacement cost calculator comes handy in such circumstances. Available as free tools on many roofing websites and as apps on mobile phones these are invaluable in getting a ball park figure on roofing related costs.

A professional will make a personal inspection, make the measurements and then present you with a bid. Being in the business of roofing for years they can make fair assessment of the difficulty o job, the amount of wastage that will be generated the complexity of the roofing job and so on and they will present you with the quote shortly after making the calculations.

As a homeowner new to roofing you may underestimate the wastage, forget to add extra shingles for starter courses, ignore the need for extra shingles at the ridges, valleys, around chimneys, vents and other extensions on the roof. Your roof replacement cost calculator will add a fair amount as wastage based on the number you key in and the complexity you enter into the tool.

The roof replacement cost calculator also makes a fair assessment about the cost of labor, the cost of materials, the cost of other items like nails, felt, tar paper, the cost of removal of old shingles and its disposal. Some of the numbers like prices of materials in your local area and the prevailing labor costs for roofing have to pre-set into the roof replacement cost calculator for use while calculating these numbers.


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