Small Japanese Garden Design – A Guide For Garden Designers

Are you looking for small Japanese garden designs and want a small garden for yourself? A small Japanese garden is the perfect one for you. The least possible space you have can fit a Japanese garden. Japanese houses make use of every bit of their garden space, and regularly have tiny gardens that are squeezed between long pathways, or even between 2 buildings.

You can have a tsukubai even if you have a space of few feet. This is a place where you can have bamboo pipes, rocks and a stone basin where guests can wash their hands before they enter the house. A tsukubai is very common in tiny Japanese gardens. If it is big enough, you can have a stone basin on a bed of pebbles, possibly with a bamboo ladle.

Another option for small Japanese garden designs is a deer scarer if you have a small space. This can be made with the help of 2 pieces of bamboo. One of them acts as a spout pouring water into the other which you can find open only at one end, and fixed on a pivot in the middle. As the second bamboo fills up, the centre of gravity of this bamboo changes and tips up to release water. The time it falls back, it hits a piece of wood, thus making a rhythmic sound.

If you have a little more space for your garden, then you can fit a dry garden and include sand or gravel and boulders. In a Japanese garden, you can often find standing boulders that are bound by mossy ground, but if your space is too dry to have moss, you can still have dwarf thyme, a substitute which is a low creeping plant.

Even if you have narrow paths, entrances and walkways, you can make the most of them while designing a Japanese garden. You can lay gravel along the path, and curve it to make it look like a riverbank or sea shore. Also, you can plant some shoots of bamboo, and can keep a stone lantern or any other Japanese garden ornament.

The serenity of a Japanese garden covers the senses from the time a visitor enters the gate of the garden, and pacifies the soul as you move on with its timeless beauty. Japanese gardens don’t consist of great collections of various plants or highlight colors as the western gardens do. Nor do they concentrate on symmetry, architectural quality and lavishness as the Italian gardens do. The wonder of a Japanese garden lies in its ability to give a person a sense of “self” in this hectic lifestyle.

Japanese gardens can be formed both indoors and outdoors. These are specifically intended for meditation and contemplation. Westerners can create an actual traditional Japanese garden by bridging the gaps using foliage with all due respect to traditions and beliefs in Japan.

Landscaping ideas, symbols used in Japanese gardens, suppliers of Japanese gardens, famous Japanese gardens to visit in North America-all of these can be found online. So, take some time, and relax as you imagine the splendor you will be creating.

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