Japanese garden symbols : Japanese Symbolism in Garden Design

Japanese garden symbols and symbolism in garden design is a popular subject among enthusiasts. There is a debate about Japanese symbolism in garden design as a concept. Catch both sides of the story related to Japanese garden symbols and learn how to adapt the concept into your own gardening.

The main purpose of Japanese gardens is to reproduce exquisite nature and bring it home. There is not much space in Japan. For an average family in Japan it is not possible to have a large garden. They adapt to enjoy nature.

This adaptation is most evident in the art of Bonsai. Bonsai is the skill of cultivating miniature trees. Doesn’t really matter if the garden is small, it can still have a beautiful tree! The creative Japanese have made use of other natural materials to symbolize objects which would be too large for their small gardens.

This practice eventually must have led to the inclusion of symbolism in the Japanese garden. Another perspective is that symbolism has actually been blown out of proportion and distracts the main purpose of Japanese gardens, i.e.to reproduce the beauty of nature.

Each culture has its own myths, urban legends, symbols etc. Some may believe in them, some may not. A bit of symbolism is always healthy, e.g. the stars and stripes symbolize liberty to patriotic Americans.

Keep in mind that everything in the garden need not be symbolized. This may get one away from the main purpose of the garden. Use moderate symbolism, and enjoy yourself in your garden.

Basic Requirements of a Japanese Garden

Like any other garden, these gardens too require some elements to flourish. One element which is common in almost all gardens is water. In a Japanese garden, water is the symbol of purity. Sand or gravel is sometimes used instead of real water, if it is not available. Some of the other common elements include trees, stones and plants which basically give the garden its true look. Some people take a step ahead and enhance the beauty of their gardens by adding waterfalls.

Apart from all these requirements, there are some other features which can always be added to these gardens like walls, fences and gates. Other choices include steps, paths, water basins and bridges. Bridges in particular create a lovely look for any garden. To illuminate the garden at night, you can use lanterns.

Japanese symbolism in garden design is essentially the most highlighted part. The garden will give you a walk in nature’s arms. These gardens are used by people and monks for meditation where they can concentrate well and experience spiritual arousal through nature. These gardens give you peace of mind in today’s hectic life.

If you are looking out for a unique garden, then Japanese garden symbols are the best choice in that case. The Japanese gardens are attractive, innovative and most importantly create a sensation of peace and serenity in their surroundings.

Another reason for choosing Japanese garden symbols would be that they are unique, uncommon and rare. Hence, anybody who visits a Japanese garden will eventually fall in love with it. It is indeed an excellent choice.

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