Green Energy Companies – A Few Superstars Of The Future

A host of green energy companies are making their presence felt. In the past few decades a number of them have shot into prominence because of their innovative and unique approach to solving our energy needs. Here are some companies that are into green energy technologies.

Bridgelux, Sunnyvale California

This green energy company is into LED lighting. They make small chips that are embedded with diodes. These diodes emit light and can be used to light up homes and businesses. These lights are comparable to 60 watt incandescent lights. For a fraction of the energy consumed by the incandescent bulbs these Light Emitting Diodes can light up whole rooms. What is even more interesting is that these diodes last for several years. Bridgelux is at the forefront of this technology and is one of most promising green energy companies around.

AltaRock, Sausalito, California

Geothermal energy is the use of the heat at earth’s core to superheat water and draw energy from it. Altarock is making it possible to derive energy just about anywhere in the U.S. This technology was first demonstrated successfully in Italy about 100 years ago. It has not taken off in a big way as yet. But, the demand for sustainable energy sources is helping green energy companies like Altarock attract investors and venture capitalists.

BrightSource Energy, California

This company uses sophisticated mirrors to concentrate the heat from the sun and convert it to usable energy. This green energy company has imported one of the more sophisticated solar power technologies from Israel a world leader in advanced ways to tap into solar and water power. This company has attracted such companies like Google as backers for their project.

MiaSole, California

This green energy company is the world leader in making thin film photovoltaic cells. These flexible films can be embedded into the roofs or used as roof tiles of homes to generate power economically. It is expected to become commercially viable in a couple of years.

Solarcity, California

This company wants to take out the headache that homes and businesses face in installing and maintaining solar panels. The company will handle all aspects of installing, generating electricity and also get the tax incentives and breaks from state and federal governments. They do all the leg work and paper work and you enjoy the benefits. They also plan and design the solar panels power systems for your needs. You have to sign a 15-year lease with the company.

GreatPoint Energy, Massachusetts

Green energy companies don’t have to dabble only with solar or wind power. Companies that make better and efficient use of fossil fuels without ill effects of pollution are also considered green. Take for instance GreatPoint Energy that uses a proprietary catalyst to convert coal into high-grade natural gas by using very little energy. All carbon-di-oxide is also locked up underground. It’s first plant is to be soon set up in China for commericial exploitation.

SouthWest WindPower, Arizona

This is one of more the innovative green energy companies that makes micro-wind mills. These can be installed anywhere in your parking lot, on the roof top or even your backyard. Homeowners and small businesses find this highly attractive for their needs. Over half a million of these units have been shipped till date pointing to their popularity. They have broken the mold of bigger is better when it comes to wind mills and have found success with ultra small wind mills.

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