Residential Foam Insulation – Which One Is Right For You?

Residential foam insulation is a newer replacement for low-rise homes that used to be insulated in the form of loose-fill materials like cellulose and fiberglass. The use of foam insulation for houses carries many benefits like enhanced effectiveness and lack of moisture build-up within wall spaces. But there are many different options available and choosing the right one for your residential insulation needs is important.

Spray Polyurethane Residential Foam Insulation

Spray foam (SPF) is a more recently popular material used in diy residential foam insulation by contractors who are aware of the significant benefits of this material. SPF comes in open cell and closed cell forms for residential spray foam insulation purposes. Both are chemically identical, but have some different properties that make the choice of one over another individual.

Both forms provide excellent air seals, a point that’s important for residential foam insulation ceiling fillers. As the liquid ‘sets’ it expands filling up any gaps, which makes this an attractive material in the opinion of many residential foam insulation contractors. It beats out older materials like cellulose and loose fill materials, making it the first choice that residential foam insulation homeowners demand from their contractors.

The one drawback, if it may be called that, when using SPF for residential attic insulation is that it is combustible, and needs to be formulated with fire-retardants and additives that minimize the risk of inflammation and smoke. A thermal barrier is necessary while insulation work is going on in residences for this reason.

Residential Foam Insulation Options

When it comes to residential home insulation, the two forms of SPF are not entirely interchangeable. The air leak impact is better with open SPF and it has a lower installed cost too. Residential insulation contractors will also point out the ability of the foam to absorb water from leaks, moisture, and condensation.

Closed cell SPF, like residential styrofoam insulation, is hydrophobic and doesn’t absorb water. It also hardens as it dries, trapping air bubbles within it and being harder to compress. Since it is denser, there is a need for more material in apartment foam insulation, making this a slighly more expensive installed option.

Local foam insulation contractors will usually be willing to offer a free quote and assessment of your home to decide which kind of building insulation material is ideal for your needs. Residential foam insulation is a market that is growing so rapidly that contractors are competing against each other for more clients, and you can get some nice freebies thrown in and negotiate a good price if you shop around before making your choice.

Like with commercial foam insulation, residential building foam insulation also has some problem areas. Roofs are more likely to failure from local foam insulation than walls and other areas. When leaks happen in the roofing, it is hard to recognize them early because the insulation is water-proof. This means water and moisture can seep into walls unseen, and cause more damage than when picked up and repaired early.

Residential foam insulation using polystyrene foam, because of a high R value and the ease of application, water-proofing and adaptability to fit into all crevices and niches, has a higher rating and popularity among home owners who are seeking to insulate their buildings. Making sure you choose the right kind of residential foam insulation will ensure that you enjoy the highest benefit from your home.

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