Benefits of Radiant Barrier – Spray Vs. Foil

Many people keep asking questions about Radiant Barrier Spray vs Foil. Two of the most common queries are: “Does it actually make the electricity bills different?” and “What kind is the best for use?”

Which Is Better: The Radiant Barrier Spray Vs. Foil Debate

The first answer can be a categorical yes. Every existing research out there evidently directs that Radiant Barrier would save money for you, even if you are in a warm or cold environment, or even somewhere between the both.

The second question’s answer requires some details. Basically, two types of Radiant Barriers exist: spray-on and foil. Many researchers don’t acknowledge the former as a Radiant Barrier particularly, and it does not reflect UV rays considerably. It is not endorsed by the government, and neither does it qualify as Energy Tax Credit.

After saying this, this editorial over Radiant Barrier focuses on foil type that is recommended by many researchers. A thin film or coat of a substantially reflective material, typically aluminum, is used to construct Foil Radiant Barrier by applying it to either one or both sections of many substrate materials. These substrates include plywood sheathing, plastic films, cardboard, air infiltration barrier substance and kraft paper. Some products are fiber armored for increasing their strength.

Efficient Attic Systems Spray Vs. Foil

Two methods are used for installing the Radiant Barrier foil- either by stapling it to overhead rafters (trusses) placed inside the attic (“Rafter Covered”) or by laying them flat upon the floor beams and insulation (“Over Insulation”). Both have their pros and cons.

When stapling it to the rafters, the sun’s UV rays enter the shingles, and then the decking attached to the shingles. When the rays strike the Radiant Barrier, approximately 97% are reflected back via decking and shingles. The net outcome is a cooler attic.

Nevertheless, the disadvantage is a decrease in the lifespan of shingles. Another downturn is that during cold weather, quite an amount of warm air within the living space is continually released in the attic, thereby warming it, but at a huge expense and without any purposeful outcomes.

Some argue that fixing it with the rafters in warmer climates is preferred as most of the homes place their A/C units within the attic thinking that the cooler the attic, the efficient its performance.

Many studies indicate that hot attic air doesn’t enter ducts and blend with cold air via radiation. Nonetheless, if it does enter the joints through conduction, assuming that the ducts are properly sealed, this won’t be a problem. Regarding this, the outcome of a cooler attic is insignificant – unless staying there during summers is your choice.

Placing the foil over insulation causes similar reflective results like the Rafter Covered Method, barring the following dissimilarities. The attic is neither very cold nor does it reduce the longevity of the shingles. An added benefit over the method of Over-Insulation is the creation of the reflective box during winters.

It safeguards the warm air from leaving the living space and going to the attic. This is primarily essential during cold weather, and saves costs during winter months. Actually, foil is so much superior that the Home Depot Spray Vs. Foil comparison does not even arise except for ease of use. But for the most effective insulation you need radiant barrier foil.

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