Home Maintenance Guide – Master The Art Of Home Maintenance

Homes are not something that you build and forget about. They need continuous and regular maintenance for that spic and span look. A home maintenance guide will help you go through the process of caring of your home step-by-step. Home maintenance is not a one time job. It needs to be done every day, every week, every month and every year.

Home Maintenance Guide

Buying a home is the biggest investment that most American families will make. Smart homeowners know that maintaining their home in good shape protects their investment and enhances the enjoyment of their home. In addition, the terms of the mortgage may require the homeowners to “adequately maintain the property.”

Home maintenance, however, can cover a wide range of activities. They can be categorized into interior or exterior tasks or by home system, such as plumbing, heating & cooling, electrical, and landscaping/grounds maintenance. Certain maintenance tasks should be performed monthly, seasonally, or annually. How do you know what to do when? Here are some guidelines.

Important Basic Home Maintenance Activities

Once a month

* Check the filters on your heating/cooling unit. If you have humidifiers and electronic air cleaners, their filters should also be checked. Change or clean on the recommended schedule.

* Check faucets for drips and the rest of the plumbing for leaks. Repairing minor drips and leaks can prevent major water damage in the future. It also will help with conservation and keep down your water bill.

Every season brings it owns challenges as far as home maintenance goes. The home maintenance guide helps in the homeowner to perform all the important steps each season. As the season changes from summer to fall leaves need to be raked and gutters cleaned. Snow during winters can block driveways so that need to be shovelled.

Follow the guidelines mentioned for your local area when carrying out regular maintenance. Some areas need more care than others depending on the local weather and other conditions. Some area have more snow, some have more rain, some have storms so, the steps to follow vary. Follow your local home maintenance guide and you should do fine. Here is one such guide.

A Seasonal Guide To Home Maintenance

By Kate AshfordFebruary 10, 2010: 4:48 PM ET

(Money Magazine) — You know that your house needs regular upkeep in order to stay in good condition. Not only can little maintenance issues become expensive and turn into major repairs, but nowadays problems that boom-time buyers might have overlooked can be huge liabilities when it comes time to sell, says James Carey, author of “Home Maintenance for Dummies.” Good thing that most crucial maintenance tasks can be done just once a year at a certain time. Read on for the right dates to mark in your calendar.

WinterClean the vents behind your dryer in the beginning of winter; you’re drying heavier clothes now, and they generate more lint. Clean vents will help your machine dry clothes more quickly, last longer, and you’ll lower the risk of fires. Hardware stores carry kits that can help…

Cost: $15 to $45.

The Home Maintenance and Repair Guide

Every house requires some sort of maintenance at some point in time. Whether it�s the interior, exterior, home systems or landscaping, proper maintenance adds value and comfort to the house. When a �house� is well-maintained, it becomes a �home�. The interior of the house is the place where people usually spend most of their time. This is why the interior is important and people hire designers to create the best interior solutions for their purposes. Homeowners also have to keep the house clean because it helps to prolong the life of fittings and building, which is an important part of home maintenance. In the case where some parts of the building or fittings are broken, it�s best to repair them as soon as possible. Let�s look at different aspects of home maintenance in more detail.

Interior Maintenance

A main area of concern in home maintenance is the interior. The interior reflects a lot about homeowners because it�s the area which reflects their personality and preferences. The interior includes the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, study, bathrooms, and all other areas which are indoors. In this sense, it should be safe and comfortable. Also, the interior is usually the part of the home which requires the most maintenance. Here�s a short guide on interior maintenance.

Floors, doors, windows, and other like fixtures should be properly cleaned, and maintained. Even the ceiling should be cleaned, if not regularly, then at least once a month. Dusting should be done daily to keep your house clean and healthy to live in. Try to choose furniture which is suitable for your requirements. Remember not to overdo anything. Light bulbs should be cleaned regularly and replaced from time to time. Efficient and green appliances should be installed in the home to promote sustainable housing.

A home maintenance guide is just that, it is guide. It is there to help you. As you follow the steps outlined you will realize that certain steps are more important than others for your home conditions and some are not required. So, over time you will evolve your own home maintenance guide.

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