Cushion Slip Covers : How Can They Make Your Room Brighter And Beautiful?

Chairs without a cushion slip cover often look drab and dreary.

The usual colors of store-bought cushion chairs can put even a normal person to sleep. The same old beige, brown or white can make your room look boring, gloomy and dull. It’s time you added some color and vivacity to your living spaces.

Buy a lively and vibrant chair slip cover in bold patterns to instantly make your den or dining area brighter and beautiful. Bright and colorful cushion slipcovers can add a designer look to your home.

Not just chairs, you can buy slipcovers for sofas, loveseats, recliners, wingback chair and dining table chairs. Color coordinate your contrasting pieces of furniture with the new decor of your home and instantly transform tired-looking old furniture and give it imaginative and modern face. This is an incredibly simple and effective way to “not” buy new furniture and get more out of your old ones.

Whatever be the shape – round, oval, square or rectangular you will find suitable slipcovers in online stores like Amazon, Target, and SureFit. Offline you should find them at any of the furniture and fabrics stores. You can buy a spare set for special occasions or when ever you fancy a change.

Cushion slip covers give you the freedom to experiment with your room’s look and feel. They add flexibility to your furniture. A few tastefully placed cushions, pillows and throws can give your room a new perspective.

Choose rich maroons, reds and gold and give your room an authentic Arabic feel. Throw a carpet on the floor and add a hookah to the side to complete the whole picture. Buy pastel colors, add some paper ornaments to the room to give a Japanese look, or try the Egyptian or Indian look with rich embroidery and sequins on slipcover.

You’ll change the atmosphere of your room by simply changing your cushion slip covers. It’s as simple as that.

If you can’t find what you are looking for in the readymade section try making them yourself. The amazing variety of materials, colors and patterns available in the fabric’s section will completely floor you. It is easy to sew slipcovers for your chairs. Add piping and some tassels and you will find that you have created a beautiful piece of cushion cover that you can be proud of. This can be fun project that you can finish over a weekend.

When buying slipcovers at discount sales make sure you buy the right size with elastic. The elastic will help by giving a snug-fit to your furniture. The furniture will have appearance of having been upholstered recently.

Also, make sure the fabrics are durable and easily machine washable. Check for color-fastness and shrinkage. No use buying expensive materials that can’t be washed at home.

The dry cleaning costs can add considerably to your monthly expenses. Cotton, damask, denim, stretch denim, and twill are the most commonly used materials for chair slip cover. These materials are easy to maintain which is a huge advantage in their favor.

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